Selasa, 28 September 2010

MidBrain Activation for Adults - Extended

Why Mid-Brain Activation? Why for Adults?
We associate mid-brain activation with engaging the subconscious in a full state of awareness and in conscious control. Beyond consciousness, both states of the mind are by nature interconnected and interactive. We call the synergy between both states of the, respectively represented by the left and right hemispheres of the brain, as the holistic state of mind. Establishments of holistic state of mind in awareness and in conscious control allow unlimited capacity and capability far beyond the standards. This condition allows human beings to make amazing improvements in their personal and professional performances.
As human beings age through space and through time, the dominant roles of the state of the mind shifts from the subconscious to the conscious – adults are much more of conscious mind dependent compared to children. This condition causes access and assess into the realms of the subconscious more difficult for the adults. While we believe mid-brain is unnecessary for children (allowing them to grow and mature with the natural flows and shifts of emphasis in the realms of their minds), we are convinced it is a must for the adults.

What is Mid-Brain Activation Workshop for the Adults?
It is a One-Day Workshop to facilitate the training for you to acquire the ability to engage and to interact with the subconscious, control and direct the dynamics of the synergy, understand be familiar with the raw material involved, practice, simulate and apply in daily activity. The activation of the mid-brain which strengthens and brings to awareness the establishment of the holistic state of mind is represented by a series and a fusion of various breakthrough techniques such as the Brain-wave and Bio-electromagnetic oriented techniques. It includes practices and simulations to activate and to train the human physical and mental sensory skills to instigate the activations of the extraordinary subconscious modality.

Some of the exercises to train in this workshop:
 Activation of Bio-electromagnetic Energy
 Sighting one’s own and other people’s Body Energies
 Sensing one’s own and other people’s Body Energies (human vibrations)
 Detect and identify different objects and people through the different feels of vibrations
 Mental Telepathy and Mental Virtualization
 Alpha Concentration, Progressive Meditation and Application
 A touch of Theta Concentration
 A touch of Telekinetic Experience
 Biangular and Triangular breathing methods for short meditation
The most relevant Intranz course(s) to advance to:
 Ultimate Competency (Two-Day Workshop)

Composition of workshop material:
 Material presentation and lecture 20%
 Training and practicing 40%
 Simulation and exercise 20%
 Discussions 10%
 Coaching 10%

How can a One-Day Workshop be sufficient?
Intranz adopts one of its exclusive techniques that make up the essential difference – empowerment of bio-electromagnetic energy through sessions of bio-electromagnetic energy activation and alpha progressive meditation. Empowerment of inner strengths and inner capacity offer increased productivity, effectiveness and output from the workshop in an extraordinary way compared to if only through enrichment of knowledge and capability alone.

What are the immediate benefits?
 Extraordinary increased in virtual capacity of the brain to prevent vulnerability towards stress.
 Strong, spacious, stable, healthy, swift, positive and most importantly, able to establish the holistic state of mind.
 Ability to consciously access and assess meta-physical modality stored in the realms of the subconscious.
 Significant improvements in intuition, instincts, sensing ability and degree of clairvoyance.
 Significantly improve the quality performance and results in anything you do.
 Ability to assess and induce suggestive motions to other people.
 Opens more doors to the unlimited inner-skills and inner-self empowerment.
 More fluent to connect to the divine intelligence.

Who should attend this workshop?
 Those who wish to maximize mind competency by optimizing subconscious modality.
 Those who wish to make significant improvement in personal, professional and social performances.
 Those who need to balance or to restore the weakening and deteriorating competency of the conscious modality.
 Those who make high risk decisions where intuition plays dominant roles.
 Those who predominantly rely their decision making and successes upon the quality of mind oriented communication.

Material Workshop Midbrain Activation for Adult:

·        About yourbrain dan midbrain
·        Brain wave knowledge dan power
·        What is activated midbrain?
·        Alpha progressive meditation
·         Bio-electromanetic energy activation
·        Sinchronization of energy
·        Blind Color Detection
·        Mental Telephaty
·        See Aura yourself and others
·         Blind human energy detection

      Why Extended?
o       Responding to special requests from Parents with Mid-Brain Activated Children
o       Different approach, techniques, methodology and degree of difficulties for different Age Groups in Mid-Brain Activation
o       The younger the age, the easier – the older the age, the more the barriers
o       Provide Elders with awareness of the delicate issues and implications of Mid-Brain Activation in Children and equip Elders with the capacity to assist the young

      What are the Extension?

·      How to Activate Your Child’s Mid-Brain on your own
·      How to Assist, Coach and Guide your Mid-Brain Activated Children for:
o       Healing
o       Speed reading
o       Blind Reading
o       Photographic Memory
·        Parental Guide for Midbrain Activated Children – A One Year Program
o       To help maintain balance and natural childhood

What you get from this workshop?

1.      Materi pelatihan yang dahsyat dan unik
2.      Materi aktivasi otak tengah untuk anak-anak dan dewasa
3.    Materi bimbingan pelatihan anak yang sudah di aktivasi otaknya untuk program selama 1 tahun.
4.     CD sinkronisasi otak tengah dengan otak kiri dan kanan
5.     Intranz Virtual Institute Certificate
6.     1x lunch, 2x coffee break, 1x dinner

Lead Facilitator: Vitagi Indrayanto
He is engineer who has passionately been active in traditional martial arts since his studies in the university, concurrently learned to master the science of human inner energy awakening, activation, development, cultivation and application – emphasizing in self therapy and in self empowerment. Co-create his very own method called Midbrain Activation for Adults, Effective Skills for Parents with Midbrain Activated Children, Beyond Selling Skills and The Ultimate Teacher – amazing Brainwave and Bio-electromagnetic Wave oriented vitalization processing methodology. 20 years of professional and management career in Corporate Businesses.

Waktu Pelatihan:

Sabtu, 9 Oktober 2010
Mulai : 09.00 – 21.00
Tempat:  Hotel Sahid
               Jl Sumatera 1

Kontak: Wahyu 0857 4930 3939 (Indosat) dan 0878 5331 9226 (XL)

Investasi: Rp 2.500.000,- (discount 25% untuk pembayaran paling lambat 7 Oktober 2010)
                 Tempat Terbatas (20 orang saja)!!!    Daftar sekarang !

Website INTRANZ:
Website Midbrain:

Effective Skills for Parents with Mid-Brain Activated Children (Parents' Skills for MidBrain Activated Children)

Program yang hebat ini adalah kombinasi yang unik antara program pelatihan MidBrain Activation for Adults (Aktivasi Otak Tengah khusus orang dewasa) dengan Parental Guide for Training MidBrain Activated Children yg merupakan bagian dari pelatihan MidBrain Activation for Children (Aktivasi Otak Tengah khusus anak anak)

Uniknya di pelatihan ini adalah,para orang tua selain mendapatkan bekal bagaimana memaksimalkan bakat anaknya yg sudah diaktivasi otak tengahnya. Juga mengalami pengalaman bagaimana bila sang orang tua itu mendapatkan pelatihan yang otak tengahnya di aktivasi seperti sang anak.

Sehingga orang tua tidak akan ragu ragu lagi bagaimana melatih anaknya yang Otak Tengahnya yang sudah diaktivasi. Karena orang tua Otak Tengahnya juga sudah diaktivasi. Dan  mendapatkan pengetahuan apa saja yang terlibat dan apa itu aktivasi otak tengah. Hebatnya lagi, sang orang tua mampu membimbing anak yang mau di aktivasi otak tengahnyanya (yang belum teraktivasi Otak Tengahnya) secara private di rumah, karena dalam pelatihan ini, mereka mendapatkan pengetahuannya.

Apa materi dari dari pelatihan ini?

·        About yourbrain dan midbrain
·        Brain wave knowledge dan power
·        What is activated midbrain?
·        Alpha progressive meditation
·        Sinchronization of energy
·        Blind Color Detection
·        Mental Telephaty
·        How to train your Activated Children
o       Healing
o       Speed reading
o       Blind Reading
o       Photographic Memory etc
·        1 year program for MidBrain Activated Children

 Fasilitas apa saja yang anda dapatkan dari pelatihan ini?
1.      Materi pelatihan yang dahsyat dan unik
2.      Materi aktivasi otak tengah untuk anak anak dan dewasa
3.      CD aktivasi dan sinkronisasi otak tengah dengan otak kiri dan kanan
4.      Sertifikat INTRANZ Institute
5.      1x lunch dan 2x coffee break

Apa keuntungan ikut pelatihan ini?
1.      Anda dapatkan aktivasi otak tengah anda sendiri
2.      Anda dapatkan program pelatihan untuk anak anda yang sudah diaktivasi otak tengahnya
3.      Anda mempunyai kemampuan seperti anak anda sesuai keaktifan anda.
4.      Anda mempunyai kemampuan melatih anak anda untuk mengaktifaan otak tengahnya, tanpa anda ikutkan pelatihan yang khusus (bila anda mau dan kreatif)

Keuntungan otak tengah yang aktif (dewasa maupun anak anak):
1.      Improves memory [LEARN MORE IN SHORTER TIME]
2.      Improves concentration. [MORE RECEPTIVE]
3.      Improves creativity. [MORE INNOVATIVE]
4.      Improves sports. [MORE TALENTED]
5.      Balance hormone [MORE HEALTHY].
6.      Balance use of right and left brain. [BALANCE CHARACTER]

Lead Facilitator: Vitagi Indrayanto
He is engineer who has passionately been active in traditional martial arts since his studies in the university, concurrently learned to master the science of human inner energy awakening, activation, development, cultivation and application – emphasizing in self therapy and in self empowerment. Co-create his very own method called  Midbrain Activation for Adults, Effective Skills for Parents with Midbrain Activated Children, Beyond Selling Skills and The Ultimate Teacher – amazing Brainwave and Bio-electromagnetic Wave oriented vitalization processing methodology. 20 years of professional and management career in Corporate Businesses.

Waktu Pelatihan:

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010
Mulai : 09.00 – 18.00
Tempat: Hotel Sahid
                Jl Sumatera 1

Kontak: Wahyu 0857 4930 3939 (Indosat) dan 0878 5331 9226 (XL)

Investasi: Rp 2.000.000,- (discount 20% utk 10 orang pertama)
                 Tempat Terbatas!    Daftar sekarang !

Website INTRANZ:
Website Midbrain:

Minggu, 26 September 2010


 Mid-Brain Activation for Adults (One-Day Workshop)
 Beyond Selling Skills (One-Day Workshop)
 Ultra-soft Communication Skills (Two-Day Workshop)
 Ultimate Inner Competency (Two-Day Workshop)
 Charisma Energy Awakening (Two-Day Workshop)
 Anti (Emotional) Fatigue (Three-Day Workshop)
 Intranz Reborn - Inner Transformation (Four-Day Workshop)
 Custom-tailored Programs (Detail To Be Determined)
 Intranz for Corporations (Detail To Be Determined)
 Intranz Inspiration Plus -Self-empowerment Seminar (Three-Hour Session)
 Programs Under Development (Detail To Be Determined)

Phenomena In The New Decade - 2011

Global shifts have taken its course – implicating life on all fronts. As far as physical and material are concerned, going back to nature is today’s preference and as far as mind and thoughts are concerned, going back to basic is a definite trend. On another front, sickness industry evolves towards wellness industry. And while interests in non-physical science are gaining grounds over physical science, we also see tangible shifts of appreciation from formal studies to informal studies. After all, the nature of life is informal. Formality is man-made, in fact, it makes life less natural.
Quoting Charles Darwin: “It is not the strongest nor the most intelligent who will survive, but the quickest and the most responsive to changes”.
Changes in the context of Intranz concepts take place within – in you. Sparks of changes for improvements normally begin within the inner realms of the mind, or may even be deeper in the inner most realms – the realms of the inner-heart. Internal or inner transformation is considered as one of the crucial success factors in efforts to balance-in with extra transformation modality.
Seeing is Believing is one belief concept that brings you nowhere in inner transformation – by the time you are able to see, it’s too late. What is physically seen or where concrete evidence is unveiled, the process has actually gone through a long journey – and where were you at the time? Believing is seeing is a much more sophisticated belief concept that can certainly elevate human qualities and competencies in living a life. However, if believing is unable to contribute to exercising inner transformation, open mind and open heart may suffice.
Human beings are duly entitled to individual and personal inner transformation – it is now or tougher!
Acquisition of inner skills to elevate levels of inner competency can never be delegated, can never be learned through listening and observing alone, and can never be capitalized through ordinary and conventional means. It can only realize through self efforts, self experiences and self empowerment. The treasure within can manifest into benefits only through the genuine belief that enormous amount of deposits in wealth and health are yet to be explored, to be discovered and to claimed from within.
Quoting Intranz: “No one can buy nature. One can only learn how to blend and how to prosper together with nature. And that nature is you!”